Wednesday, January 9, 2013

spotify might possibly know too much

Spotify has started emailing me things like 

"Summer, want to hear what ________ has been jamming to?"

about random people that I'm friends with on Facebook.

I can only imagine the emails they'll get about me...

"Hey you! This girl you barely remember from college has listened the same One Direction song on repeat for the last 4 hours! Send help, maybe?"

Monday, January 7, 2013

the best of warrior

a guest post by @downeypants

We don't want to flirt with disaster / On your ass we'll pounce like a panther / Cut the bullshit / Out with a dagger / With a dagger / With a dagger (Warrior)

It's pretty obvious / that you've got a crush / That magic in your pants / It's making me blush (Die Young)

Come gimme some of that yum like a lollipop (C'mon)

Feeling like a saber-toothed tiger/ Sipping on a warm Budweiser (C'mon)

Can I hit you later? / ‘Cause it’s my jam / Rollin’ in my beat up / Gold Trans Am (Thinking of You)

I’m over it / So suck my dick (Thinking of You)

So I got your message / Are you having fun / With your fugly girlfriend? / I’ve moved on (Thinking of You)

Your homegirl hatin' / I say who she? (Crazy Kids)

It's Ke$ha in the casa / They be let-lets make it loco! (Crazy Kids)

Drinking wine on the cement / Outside 7-11. (Only Wanna Dance With You)

Put your motherfuckin' phones up / Light ‘em up, oh yeah. (All That Matters)

This song makes me wanna have sex in my car (Gold Trans Am)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

the best of red

"Once upon a time / A few mistakes ago" (I Knew You Were Trouble)

"Took a deep breath in the mirror / He didn't like it when I wore high heels / But I do" (Begin Again)

"I've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end / But on a Wednesday in a cafe / I watched it begin again" (Begin Again)

"We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time" (22)

"Hey, you called me up again just to break me like a promise / So casually cruel in the name of being honest" (All Too Well)

"Well I guess we fell apart in the usual way / And the story's got dust on every page" (Holy Ground)

"I just like hanging out with you all the time" (Stay Stay Stay)

"Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street / Faster than the wind / Passionate as sin / Ended so suddenly" (Red)

"Words, how little they mean / When you're a little too late" (Sad Beautiful Tragic)

"And we walk down the block to my car / And I almost brought him up / But you start to talk about the movies that your family watches / Every single Christmas / And I want to talk about that" (Begin Again)